Welcome To St. Xavier's International School

Welcome to the world of holistic education at St.Xavier's International School , Jaleswar .At St.Xavier's International School we believe, that learning is multi-dimensional-as we prepare students for the world & challenges for the future. St.Xavier's International School pedagogical ideology transcends the confines of the classrooms & pages of a textbook to a more multi-faceted approach. In keeping with the theory of "Multiple Intelligence," we believe that every child has some latent potential and we seek to make them aware of this. Apart from,the prescribed academic curriculum, our infrastructure is so designed so as to provide optimum opportunities for students to develop and chisel their full potential.In other words "Child Empowerment"-is our credo, whereby by giving them the resources to understand their true calling and make the right choices in a world where transient values are buffetted by a stressful environment and knowledge explosion. For us,education means to learn effectively, think creatively, develop adequate emotional intellect,apply and understand concepts to make decisions.

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Notice Board

18/04/2024 Admission Open



Smart Classes

Smart Classes

Smart Class is a highly interactive computer based aid which makes lessons come alive. Through the Smart class program teachers use digital resources such as Animation

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Library plays a unique role in preparing student's career and future.It should possess such books from every branch of knowledge,so that the students can quench their thirst for different occasions

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St.Xavier's International School has both in door and out door games facility. To big halls are there for in door games. One for girls another for boys. St.Xavier's International School has Table Tennis, Chess, Carrom, Skipping etc.. in adequate number.

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Our Events

Our Events

Now a days school academic shedule are really hectic for any student.And in this age a student need some rest for their proper mental and physical growth.

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All students of our college are subject to regular medical check up to ensure optimum growth at all stages of childhood.All students will be under the supervision of an expert.

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Our Seminar

Our Seminar

Seminar and debates are conducted at regular interval by inviting eminent personalities to have a discussion on national & international issues.

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Happy Student's


Non-Teaching Staff


Teaching Staff


Awards Won



St.Xavier's International School stands for being a global leader for excellence in education that empowers students, faculty and employees with values that contribute to universal brotherhood, create great leaders to meet challenges and make a positive contribution to society. We aim to expand our operations to provide education of the highest quality in diverse spheres. Methodologies that compliment and enhance existing educational systems.


Our Vision is to be a leading organization in all spheres of education in Odisha and beyond. We are committed to academic, human excellence and empowerment of our students with enduring values . Our college is committed to students exploring, finding, attaining and experiencing their full potential through innovative teaching methodologies that compliment and enhance existing educational systems.

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